The ceilings of each room are a sight to behold, each one bespoke and perfectly complementing its surroundings.
Villa Rosa is a magnificent display of a diverse range of Modernist art forms, brimming with intricate details and captivating forms.
The ceilings of each room are a sight to behold, each one bespoke and perfectly complementing its surroundings.

From 1870 onwards, craftsmen utilized the reed and plaster technique to fashion ceilings. This method involved constructing a foundation of reeds and subsequently embellishing it with plaster and ornate designs. However, with the advent of sturdier and safer techniques, the popularity of the reed and plaster method waned. Moreover, the need to incorporate ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting systems necessitated a gap between the ceiling and false ceiling to conceal machinery, cables, and pipes. Nonetheless, Villa Rosa has chosen to preserve the original ceilings in their pristine, unaltered form.

The ceilings of each room are a sight to behold, each one bespoke and perfectly complementing its surroundings.